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Best Pitch Jury-Mitglied beim m:brane Pitch Forum Malmö

Autorenbild: Christina M SchollererChristina M Schollerer

Im März 2024 bin ich Teil der Jury beim internationalen Children's Media B2B Pitch-Forum von m:brane in Malmö, Schweden

m:brane – das internationale Pitch-Forum für Kids Content in Malmö (fka The International Financing Forum for Kids Content), bringt jedes Jahr Producer:innen und Autor:innen mit Sendern und anderen internationalen Geldgeber:innen zusammen, um Formate für Kinder und Jugendliche auf dem weltweiten Content-Markt zu vermitteln.

2019 durfte ich hier bereits selbst pitchen und unser Co-Creation-Konzept rund um das Serienformat SPARKLE vorstellen. Umso mehr freue ich mich, dieses Jahr Teil der Jury zu sein und den Award an eines der 16 Pitching-Teams mit vergeben zu können.

Aus dem offiziellen Pressetext von m:brane:

"We’re excited to present the Official Selection to this year’s Forum in March. A total of 26 projects have been selected to pitch during m:brane 2024.

The 26 projects will be pitched in the Main Pitch category, two of them from m:brane’s trademark workshop scheme REALYOUNG©, which in turn will host further five projects for the workshop.

The projects selected have a wide geographical spread, from sixteen different countries. All the way from Ireland, Tunisia and Argentina to projects from Focus Country: Germany and further Europe and to the bulk from the Nordic Region including the Faroe Islands. The formats range from everything between TV series to films, to Interactive projects, all divided between target audiences from pre-schoolers to young adults 20+.


m:brane is a strictly B2B platform for producers with high visions, financiers, buyers, distributors and sales agents plus a number of professional observers, where they get an exclusive introduction to creative and highly innovative projects at an early stage. Around 220 professionals from over 20 countries meet during three intensive days in a warm and friendly atmosphere in Malmö.


This initiative from m:brane has been instigated to leverage the status of content aimed at a young audience.

The Award is installed to further encourage producers of kids- & youth content to continue their important work within the m:brane network, to produce relevant, edgy, artistic content that is in the forefront of new technology as well as of innovative storytelling. As such we aim to drive “Business for Arts Sake” – and further honour Smart Content for Savvy Young Audiences."


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